Friday, October 25, 2013

Hints about "Darth Vader Themed TV Specials"?

Some news came out last week that along with next year's new Star Wars Rebels TV show and other fun TV events happening - like the previously announced Phineas & Ferb Star Wars special - that there will also be "Darth Vader Themed TV Specials". Even those of us who try to read everything possible out there about Star Wars news had NO IDEA that these specials (yes, plural!) were even in the works let alone planned for "Spring/Summer 2014"

For more info on that see the original story at JediNews

So what are these specials? At this point, nobody knows. No official word has been given from or anyone from Lucasfilm Ltd. Maybe they're some sort of "look back at the Star Wars saga" with a host and clips from the movies. It's anyone's guess right now.

However, there are some hints out there that could give us a clue. There are two new children's books coming in 2014 from DK publishing (best known for the amazing Visual Dictionary, Character Encyclopedia and Incredible Cross-Sections books) in 2014 that certainly look like fun, but also COULD be related to these specials. The two books are titled Jedi Battles and Sith Wars and are part of a new series called "DK Adventures" or "DK Reads".

There's more on Jedi Battles and Sith Wars and different covers for both books at

Here's why I think there could be a connection:

-The covers available could all be temporary artwork but ALL feature Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

- The release date is currently January 16, kind of early to be called "Spring/Summer 2014" but still...

- These books are not "Early Readers" (typically 32 pages) but chapter books at 128 pages, almost the length of the Junior Novelizations of the films, though traditionally those have come from Scholastic Books.

You may notice the author is listed on these covers as "A. N. Author" which (hopefully) is a fake name until the author(s) is/are revealed. The shroud of secrecy clouds the Dark Side.

So are these junior novelizations of two upcoming TV specials? Will they be novels at all or something more like Daniel Wallace's very cool Jedi Path and Book of Sith books? Looks like we'll find out in January!

Until then, it's always fun to wonder. What do you think? Please comment below!

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